Find your place here
Key Sectors
Rural Oxford is home for many thriving business leaders across our key sectors, and with estimated land deals of over $5M and private sector investment exceeding $100M in the last three years alone, one thing is for certain… Oxford County is the place to be.
As a whole, Oxford County has become one of the fastest growing region’s in southwestern Ontario with a census population of 121,781 in 2021, up from 110,846 in 2016.
This 9.9% growth rate – lagging just behind London, Ontario – 4th among Canada’s fastest growing metropolitan areas – in the Southwestern Ontario region, Oxford County’s growth rate is nearly double the provincial average of 5.8%.
Each of our settlements is getting larger too. Businesses are choosing to locate here and people want to move here. The number of dwellings across the region has increased 9% since 2016 and we’re still growing…
Agriculture & Agri-Business
Food Processing
Transportation & Logistics
Small Business
Want to know more?
Contact us to learn more about Rural Oxford County and how your business can grow here.