Meet Nancy Orr

Join us in welcoming Nancy Orr back to the Rural Oxford EDC

We are excited to introduce Nancy Orr as the Project Coordinator for the 2018 Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) study. Nancy has worked alongside ROEDC staff on numerous projects and will be a tremendous asset to us as we connect with business to determine how we can continue to build strong, vibrant, caring communities where people and business can prosper.

Nancy is committed to contributing to our community at large as well as supporting the vibrancy of the business sector. She has participated on many boards and committees, and is also an active community volunteer.

The BR+E program is for rural communities in Ontario and is designed to

  • support local businesses so they can grow, create jobs and stay in your community
  • write and implement an action plan to foster business development, investment and job creation
  • collect business and market data to support economic development planning

The 2018 BR+E study will focus on the four key industry sectors of Rural Oxford including Agriculture, Food Processing/Manufacturing, Construction, and Transportation/Logistics. Businesses in these sectors will be contacted and systematically interviewed as we gather information and data that can then be aggregated and analysed. By July of 2018, the ROEDC will have a final report identifying key issues and actionable items that will shape the work of the Rural Oxford EDC over the coming years.


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