Support and find support for local businesses
Most of us are finding ourselves jolted out of our routines during the COVID-19 pandemic. With most retailers, service providers and restaurants closed to normal business traffic, it can be a challenge to figure out where and how to buy the things we want and need.
This is an important time to support our local businesses that rely on regular foot traffic through their establishments. Everyone wants to see their local entrepreneurs do well, but it can be a bit time consuming to comb the internet and make phone calls to figure out which ones have reconfigured their operating procedures, what their new hours are and how to make use of their services.
Supporting Oxford to the rescue! The website has local businesses listed by type and then location which makes it super easy to find what you want where you need it to be. Click click and there you are supporting local businesses. Easy peasy and win win! You’ll find a variety of listings for everything from fresh produce to face masks to accounting services and online fitness programs.
For those that are doing their best to run their businesses in this altered reality, Supporting Oxford will list your business on their page to help you reach more people. Additionally, there is information on finding support for keeping your business afloat during the pandemic. Go to and you will find buttons at the top right of the page for business resources and for adding your business to the Supporting Oxford business listings.
Stay kind, stay healthy and support your local businesses!